Change log
Version | Release Date | Iteration Version | Updated By | Description |
v6.21 | v2.0.2 | Zheng Ruijuan | Iothub_V2.0.2_20250122 update: [jimi-gateway-450] gateway: 1.Fixed license verification issue [msg-dispatch-iothub]: 1.Fixed /pushTerminalTransInfo API not push latitude & longitude issue [dvr-upload],[jimi-tracker-upload-process],[jimi-tracker-gate-upload]: 1.Added custom upload file path for HTTP service 2.Fixed file reupload error issue docker-compose update: [jimi-tracker-gate-upload]: 1. image: [jimi-gateway-450]: 1. image: [msg-dispatch-iothub]: 1. image: [dvr-upload]: 1. image: 2.volumes: - "/iothub/dvr-upload/logs:/app/dvr-upload/logs" [jimi-tracker-upload-process]: 1. image: | |
v6.20 | v2.0.1 | Zheng Ruijuan | Iothub_V2.0.1_20250107 update: [tracker-gate-v1] gateway: 1. Added longitude and latitude for card reader data(/wgtc) 2. Added GPS data for rfid packet(/rfid) 3. Added Base64 encrypted passthrough data(/pushPassThroughData) 4. Added device parameter data(/pushTerminalTransInfo) 5. Unified time format, field name of longitude & latitude 6. Added seatbelt alarm: 0x83 seatbelt fastened alarm, 0x84 seatbelt not fastened alarm(/pushalarm) 7. Added driverId & driverName for alarm packet(/pushalarm) [jimi-gateway-450] gateway: 1.Added lng,lat and gpsTime for API: /pushoil, /rfid, /pushTerminalTransInfo) 2.Added packet data for 0x0001-0xFFFF of E8 protocol 3.Added driverId(0x0005) & driverName(0x0006) for facial recognition alarm 4.Unified time format, field name of longitude and latitude [msg-dispatch-iothub]: 1.Added gpsTime, latitude & longitude to the API:/wgtc, /pushoil, /rfid, /pushTerminalTransInfo 1.Added alarm data for packet E8(0x0001-0xFFFF) 2. Added driverInfo(/pushalarm) 3. Unified time format, longitude and latitude field name(/pushIothubEvent,/rfid,/pushfaultinfo) [dvr-upload]: 1.Added custom upload file path for HTTP service docker-compose update: [tracker-gate-v1]: 1. image: [jimi-gateway-450]: 1. image: msg-dispatch-iothub]: 1. image: [dvr-upload]: 1. image: | |
v6.19 | v2.0.0 | Zheng Ruijuan | Iothub_V2.0.0_20250107 update: [kafka]: 1.Version Upgrade [zookeeper]: 1. Added 'ALLOW_ANONYMOUS_LOGIN' configuration [api]: 1. Version Upgrade [tracker-instruction-server]: 1.Added 'JVM_OPTS' configuration [msg-dispatch]: Added 'JVM_OPTS'configuration [dvr-upload]: 1. Version Upgrade [tracker-gate-v1] gateway: 1. Added log print level: logInfo1(HB&GPS),logInfo2(Login),logInfo(Issue commands) [jimi-gateway-450] gateway: 1.Version upgrade [jimi-gateway-v541h]: 1.Version upgrade [iothub-media]: 1.Version upgrade [jimi-data]: 1.Version upgrade [jimi-tracker-gate-upload]: 1.Version upgrade [jimi-tracker-upload-process]: 1.Version upgrade [router]: 1.Version upgrade docker-compose update: [kafka]: 1. image: [zookeeper]: 1. image: [api]: 1.image: [tracker-instruction-server]: 1.image: [msg-dispatch]: image: [dvr-upload]: image: [tracker-gate-v1] gateway: 1. image: [jimi-gateway-450] gateway: 1.image: [jimi-gateway-v541h]: 1.image: [iothub-media]: 1.image: [jimi-data]: 1.image: [jimi-tracker-gate-upload]: 1.image: [jimi-tracker-upload-process]: 1.image: [router]: 1.image: | |
v6.18 | v1.39.0 | Zheng Ruijuan | Iothub_V1.39.0_20240913 update: [tracker-gate-v1] gateway: 1. Fixed overspeeding alarm packet not pushing file name issue(JC261) 2. Updated the field for the .ts video file name from 'value' to 'file', 'value' field no longer pushed(JC261) [jimi-gateway-450] gateway: 1.Updated the 'distance' unit to meter(JC450) [msg-dispatch-iothub]: 1.Added configuration field 'newMileagePush' to support pushing 'distance' docker-compose update: 1. Updated [tracker-gate-v1] docker image image: 2. Updated [jimi-gateway-450] docker image image: 3. Updated [msg-dispatch-iothub] docker image image: | |
v6.17 | v1.2.20 | Zheng Ruijuan | Iothub_V1.2.20_2024071 update: [jimi-gateway-450] gateway: 1. Fixed Europe/Istanbul daylight saving time and latitude/longitude reversal issues [iothub-media] service: 1.Fixed Chinese character in the custom streaming page [trackergate-gt140-icat] gateway: 1.Fixed UTC time zone format issue and device timing (10 minutes) disconnection problem [trackergate-gt140-nic] gateway: 1.Fixed device timing (10 minutes) disconnection problem [trackergate-gt140-cdac] gateway: 1.New added gateway docker-compose update: 1. Updated [jimi-gateway-450] docker image image: 2. Updated [iothub-media] docker image image: 3. Updated [tracker-gate-gt140-icat] docker image image: 4. Updated [tracker-gate-gt140-nic] docker image image: 5. Added [tracker-gate-gt140-cdac] docker image image: | |
v6.16 | v1.2.19 | Zheng Ruijuan | IoTHub_v1.2.19_240625 update: [jimi-gateway-450] gateway: 1. Fixed license validation failure issue 2. Added 0x0200-E8-0x0002 daily traffic data 3. Added 0x0200-E8-0x0001 card reader data parsing 4. Added 0x0200-E8-0x0C17 traffic exceed alarm 5. Fixed DST(Daily saving time) issue with the device positioning package in some regions [msg-dispatch-iothub] service: 1. Added API /pushTerminalTransInfo 2. Fixed the negative distance issue in pushgps data. [tracker-gate-gt140-icat] gateway: 1. Corrected the service node of the original [tracker gate gt140] (icat) 2. Added license verification function [tracker-gate-gt140-nic] gateway: 1. Added service node configuration for Docker Compose 2. Added license verification function 3. Fixed the issue of sending device reply messages without * data push docker-compose update: 1. Updated [jimi-gateway-450] docker image 2. Updated [msg-dispatch-iothub] docker image 3. Updated [tracker-gate-gt140-icat] docker image 4. Added [tracker-gate-gt140-nic] docker image | |
v6.15 | v1.2.18 | Zheng Ruijuan | IoTHub_v1.2.18_240523 update: [jimi-gateway-450] gateway: 1. Fixed latitude/longitude swap issue for alarm data 2. Fixed 0x0104, 0x0805 response data type issue [tracker-gate-v1] gateway: 1. CRC calculation compatibility for type identifier 36 08 of model GB110 2. 0x0008(0xF2) card swiper data gateway parse docker-compose update: 1. Updated [tracker-gate-v1] docker image 2. Updated [jimi-gateway-450] docker image | |
v6.14 | v1.2.17 | Zheng Ruijuan | IoTHub_v1.2.17_240409 update: 1. Added Indian Ministry standard ICAT protocol gateway docker-compose update: 1. Added gateway tracker-gate-gt140 | |
v6.13 | v1.2.16 | Zheng Ruijuan | IoTHub_v1.2.16_240322 update: 1. Optimized the caching mechanism of 'track-instruction-server' 2. Added 0704 general response to JC450 gateway 3. Added media monitoring service 4. Resolved router image pulling issue docker-compose update: 1. Updated track-instruction-server docker image 2. Updated jimi-gateway-450 docker image 3. Updated iothub-media docker image 4. Updated router docker image | |
v6.12 | v1.2.14 | Zheng Ruijuan | IoTHub_v1.2.14_231215 update: 1. Merged the media service of iothub & public version 2. Removed 869-series device service 3. Fixed the issue of not supporting PCMA 4. Fixed the lagging issue of C371 live stream 5. Supporting HLS stream pull 6. Supporting media multi node deployment plan docker-compose update: 1. Updated iothub-media docker image | |
v6.11 | v1.2.13 | Zheng Ruijuan | IoTHub_v1.2.13_231019 update: 1. Added oil, temperature, swipe card data to 0xF2 data packet, support C261 series devices 2. Added alarm ID: A6(Unfasten seat belt), A7(fasten seat belt), 50(Door opening alarm), 51(Door closing alarm) docker-compose update: 1. Updated tracker-gate-v1 docker image 2. Updated msg-dispatch-iothub docker image | |
v6.10 | v1.2.12 | Zheng Ruijuan | IoTHub_v1.2.12_231013 update: 1. Added container monitoring service 2. Added pushAPIs encryption 3. Optimized service log cutting strategy docker-compose update: 1. Updated api docker image 2. Updated tracker-instruction-server docker image 3. Updated msg-dispatch-iothub docker image 4. Updated dvr-upload docker image 5. Updated tracker-gate-v1 docker image 6. Updated jimi-gateway-v541h docker image 7. Updated jimi-gateway-450 docker image 8. Updated jimi-data docker image 9. Updated jimi-tracker-gate-upload docker image 10. Updated jimi-tracker-upload-process docker image 11. Updated router docker image 12. Added prometheus docker image 13. Added jimi-node-exporter docker image 14. Added grafana docker image 15. Added alertmanager docker image | |
v6.9 | v1.2.10 | Zheng Ruijuan | IoTHub_v1.2.10_230820 update: 1. Updated File Storage API access files with folder 2. Updated Redis without TLS&Password(AWS) 3.Added (0x38) GPS packet, support VL802 device docker-compose update: 1. Updated dvr-upload docker image 2. Updated router docker image 3. Updated tracker-gate-v1 docker image 4. Updated msg-dispatch-iothub docker image | |
v6.8 | v1.2.8 | Zheng Ruijuan | IoTHub_v1.2.8_230525 update: 1. Fixed the issue of gateway license verification docker-compose update: 1. Updated msg-dispatch-iothub docker image 2. Updated tracker-gate-v1 docker image 3. Updated jimi-gateway-v541h docker image 4. Updated jimi-gateway-450 docker image | |
v6.7 | 2023/05/25 | v1.2.7 | Zheng Ruijuan | IoTHub_v1.2.7_230524 update: 1. Fixed the issue of event video upload failure 2. Fixed the issue of instant pictures upload failure docker-compose update: 1. Updated jimi-tracker-upload-process docker image 2. Updated jimi-tracker-gate-upload docker image |
v6.6 | v1.2.4 | Zheng Ruijuan | IoTHub_v1.2.4_230424 update: 1. Added 0x94 packet data decoding and pushing docker-compose update: 1. Updated tracker-gate-v1 docker image | |
v6.5 | v1.2.2 | Zheng Ruijuan | IoTHub_v1.2.2_230407 update: 1. Added 0x38 packet decoding 2. Optimized abnormal storage info of 0xF2 oil package 3. Added license expiration email notification function. docker-compose update: 1. Updated some docker images 2. Added environment variable to the msg-dispatch-iothub:environment: - LICENSE_NOTIFY_EMAIL=xxx | |
v6.4 | 2023/02/23 | v1.2.0 | Zheng Ruijuan | IoTHub_v1.2.0_230223 update: 1. JT/T 808 Gateway: Added pass-through parse data that not defined in the 0x0200 position information attachment ID protocol, pass-through data push via msg-dispatch 2. KKS Gateway: Fixed the issue that Router cannot execute correctly after sending a wrong command. 3. KKS Gateway: Added new ID(0x0002/0x0003) parse for 0xF2 packet. 4. KKS Gateway: Fixed the negative GPS speed issue for 0x70 packet 5. Added new ID value push function in msg-dispatch service. |
v6.3 | 2023/02/07 | v1.1.9 | Zheng Ruijuan | IoTHub_v1.1.9_230207 update: 1. Added pushing of device status information for the heartbeat packet 2. Added pushing of the timezone information for the login/logout package 3. Added pushing stream with SSL for the Media service 4. Added verification for the high availability scheme 5. Added gateway distributed deployment verification 6. Added GK309 and S341 device verification for the KKS gateway docker-compose update: 1. Updated some docker images 2. Added Kafka account authentication 3. Added SSL PORT and PATH configuration |
v6.2 | v1.1.8 | Zheng Ruijuan | IoTHub_v1.1.8_221215 update: 1.Updated data type of the /pushpassthroughdata(Support KKS 9C protocol) docker-compose update: 1. Updated some docker images 2. Deprecated dvr-web and mysql | |
v6.1 | 2022/11/15 | v1.1.7 | Zheng Ruijuan | IoTHub_v1.1.7_221116 Update: 1. Added V541H gateway and provided OBD related interfaces: pushobd/pushfaultinfo/pushtripport 2. Added SSL encryption support for pulling media stream docker-compose update: 1. Added gateway:jimi-gateway-v541h 2. Added "/mnt/iothub/newInstall/93test.pl2:/ssl.pl2" to iothub-media/iothub-media-869 |
V6.0 | 2022/10/26 | v1.1.6 | Zheng Ruijuan | iothub* v1.1.6* 221026 update: 1. Added instruction push function module, 2. Added message distribution function module 3. Added alarm message acknowledgement manually on JT/T 808/1078 gateway 4. Added two-way intercom function between JC450 terminal and TSP APP 5. Unified the public version and IoT Hub version for Gateway 1 and Gateway C450 docker-compose update: 1. Commented out the pushURL in jimi-gateway 2. Commented out pushURL in jimi-gateway-450 3. Commented out pushURL in jimi-gateway-450-869 4. Added tracker-instruction-server 5. Added msg-dispatch- iothub 6. Updated some docker images |
V5.0~ | 2022/02/28-2022/04/24 | Huang Xin Zhang Pingshun Liu Biao Chen Peihuang Chen Yuheng Felix | 1. Added gateway service for JT/T808 & JT/T1078 2. Updated installing docker-compose online 3. Added docker-compose installation manually 4. Standardized parameter names of push api 5. Specified video and photo event upload methods 6. Updated HTTP timeout configuration 7. Added vsftp installation and configration | |
V4.0~ | 2020/11/02 | Chen Long | 1. Added heartbeat trajectory data to mongo supportApi Interface update 2. Added rfid/plug-in transparent data transmission to the sending interface | |
V2.0~ | 2020/05/22-2020/07/23 | Li Zhijian Chen Long Oscar Zhang | 1. Modified RTMP-related command. 2. Applied clearer names "gateway service for DVRs", "API service for DVRs", "RTMP streaming" or "media server", and "file storage" to replace "TCP server" and "HTTP server". 3. Added references 4.Updated images files of RTMP stream | |
V1.0~ | 2020/4/21-2020/05/19 | Li Zhijian Chen Long | 1. Added RTMP-related content. 2. Integrated RTMP, HTTP, and TCP services. 3. Modified RTMP-related content based on feedbacks. |
Q: What protocols does the IoT Hub support?
A: JT/T 808, JT/T 1078, JIMI protocol.
Q: What types of devices are compatible with IoT Hub?
A: Trackers, DVRs and OBD devices, such as JC400, JC450, VL502 etc.
Q: Will IoT Hub parse and push data if customers only connect to Tracker?
A: If IoTHub supports customers' devices and their data conforms to our protocol, IoTHub can parse and push data.
Q: Can customers integrate their Kafka and redis cluster to our IoT Hub?
A: Internal test, not open yet.
Q: Can customers deploy IOT Hub service to separate servers?
A: Customers can separate IOT Hub HTTP push service and
Q: Where can customers get the documentation and diagram on configuring Load-Balancing for IOThub?
A: Internal test, not open yet.
Q: How can customers check device version?
A: Send a "VERSION#" command to devices through API command 128.
Q: Can IoT Hub run on docker swarm/k8s
A: Internal test, not open yet.
Q: The format of the event/video file name
A: The format of the event video file name is: EVENT + device IMEI + serverFlag (00000000 by default) + time, such as EVENT_353376110007413_00000000_2020_06_13_16_37_42_23.mp4
The format of the remote video file name is: CMD + device IMEI + serverFlag (00000000 by default) + time, such as CMD_353376110007413_00ecddb8_2020_06_13_16_23_09_08.mp4
Q: Names of Image/Video Files for JC450
A: {deviceImei}_{alarmLabel}_{suffix}.mp4
Q: RTMP-related Issues
A: If any issue related to RTMP streaming arises, do as follows:
Check whether ports 8880 and 1935 and 10000 have been enabled, as RTMP streaming depends on open ports;
Check whether the push and pull addresses and permissions are configured correctly.
Q: With the default configuration, how many devices can live stream at the same time?
A: For servers with 8-core, 16G memory and 1000M/s network, IoTHub can support up to 100000 trackers and 3000 DRVs at the same time.
Q: Which IP&Port should be used for device configuration command?
A: IP should be your server IP. The port should be 21100 for JC400 devices, 21122 for JC450 devices, 31506 for OBD devices.
Q: "Ensure that RTMP service is enabled and the port is open to external network". In this point. Is it not configured in nginx in the docker-compose file
A: This point means that that you need to ensure that rtmp port (JC400:1936, JC450:10002) is not occupied and open to external network. For single-point deployment, not need NGIX config.
Q: What's difference between ports 9080 and 10088
A: Both ports are used to receive replies to offline instructions. Port 9080 will be deprecated in the future.
Q: Does it need to fill up "OfflineCmdPushToken"
A: For the "OfflineCmdPushToken" & "pushToken" in docker-compose file, please leave them unchanged.
Q: How to get alarms from the device?
A: The query API can be used to get alarms from the device. For details please refer to Query APIs.
Q: If only use IoTHub media, do we still need to configure pushURL?
A: Yes, IoTHub needs pushURL to interact with your devices.
Q: If we have the SSL certificate of IoTHub media, does the pushURL need to use "https"?
A: PushURL does not require "https" because you only configure SSL on IoTHub media.
Q: The typical packet size of the following message: 1) login packet 2) heartbeat packet 3) location packet
A: This estimate is based on sigle device
Packet | Frequency | Size |
GPS | packet/10s | 97B/packet |
HB | packet/3mins | 2B/packet |
Login | one time | 5B/packet |
Q:Does IoTHub have any configuration to restrict or prevent device send backup GPS location?
A: Not yet supported.
Q: Can you explain about flow or logic about "when device will send backup gps location"?
A: When the device detects a disconnection from the server, it will save the location and alarm packets. Once the server responds, the device will upload the saved data packets. For your platform, if the device does not save and re-upload data, you will lose trip information.
Q: What happen if iothub cannot push data by PushUrl?
A: You will get logs such as inability to connect to pushURL, Kafka errors, etc
Q: Can I remove old data in IoTHub Mogodb? Will it have any side effect?
A: MongoDB has saved some historical data, which cannot be queried from the query API after deletion.
Q: Do you have any configurations that can obtain historical data of one month or less?
A: Not yet supported.
Q: Can we config FTP server to store image?
A: You can configure the ftp upload path via API Pro:37382
Q: Is RFID mentioned in document that supported for JC400?
A: Yes, it is support to use RFID tag, when the driver holds the tag close to the card reader, the JC400 take a photo of inward camera and upload it, which file name include the IMEI and RFID number.
Q: Can you explain why most of IoTHub server memory was occupied?
A: If the device cannot connect to the server, it will save history. After reconnecting, the device will quickly send bulk data packets to your SaaS. At that time, all services will work hard at the same time, which leads to significant memory consumption.
Q: Do all devices send pushhb data?
A: Yes, devices connect to IoTHub gateway will send pushhb data.
Q: The JC400 video/image format is: EVENT_862798050889902_00000000_2023_02_14_09_10_59_F_35.mp4. Is it always F/I ? Can it be some other values? What does it refer to?
A: The format of the event video file name is: EVENT + device IMEI + serverFlag (00000000 by default) + time + F/I + Event ID. F = front camera, I = inner camera.
Q: In the file name, what does the last 01 and 05 mean in these examples? EVENT_862798050932348_00000000_2023_03_22_15_29_13_F_01.mp4, EVENT_862798050932348_00000000_2023_03_22_14_54_14_I_05.mp4
A: Event ID. The format of the event video file name is: EVENT + device IMEI + serverFlag (00000000 by default) + time + F/I + Event ID.
Q: Is it possible to add filesize to the playback list?I want to display filesize on the interface for uploading videos.
A: For the playback video, normally it is about 4MB, default video is 500k bitrate, the size for 1 minutes is 4MB. If you change the bitrate to be 1MB, then the size is 8MB.
Q: Can we set the range date when we send command FILELIST to upload the playback video namelist file to the server in the JC400?
A: It can not set the range when sending the command, it will upload all the file name lists to your server with the TXT file.
Q: Is the alarm record actively uploaded to the server for inspection? Unable to remotely check?
A: It can be called remotely. If the device does not need to actively upload, turn off the active upload switch. According to the alarm video file name in the alarm package uploaded by the device, issue the HTTP service command "UPLOAD, URL", and the device will upload the video file.
Q: when we trigger an SOS alert it requires an acknowledgement from the iothub. Is there any way to disable the need for sending an acknowledgement?
A: Manual acknowledgment of alarm messages (proNo:33283). type 256 standardalarm value is JT/T protocol... keep sending before confirm by manual. TSP will auto confirm the message by TSP backend.
Q:Can historical video be downloaded from iothub as .mp4 file?
A: Yes, by using command UPLOAD, HVIDEO, EVIDEO
Q: What video does the dashcam actually upload to the iothub? Just the video related to events?
A: Live video, History video, and Event video
Q: When user views ‘live video’ stream is that live video stream being uploaded to the iothub?
A: Yes. It will be removed from IoTHub HTTP storage after 1 min, so you need to pull it immediately after sending the command.
Q: How long does a historical video stay in the storage of the iothub? Is there some preset time when the historical videos are deleted?
A: Continuous recording can last for 23 hours, and then it will be covered in a loop. Historical videos are stored in device memory and will only be uploaded upon request, and will not always be stored in IoTHub. And does not support preset time.
Q: The historical video list returned by proNo128-FILELIST: is it working correctly? We had a situation where a video was removed from iothub before watching it. Or does it go into a ‘read’ folder?
A: Historical videos can only be obtained upon request, otherwise they will be deleted.
Q: What is the limitation of not maintaining the heartbeat? Will it take longer to connect to the server?
A: Keep the Heartbeat in default value will be much better as this one is not the key one for battery consumption. If set the the heartbeat for too long which might be causing the operator sim connection limitation. This has happened a lot for offline issues in cases we deployed in global market. The limited for heartbeat normally from 1 to 7 min.
Q: We are getting a lot of LOGIN and LOGOUT messages which we were not getting before. What is normally the cause of these LOGIN and LOGOUT messages?/What is usually the main cause of frequently repeated LOGIN/LOGOUT messages?
A: The core reason is that IoThub did not receive the device's heartbeat data. The factors that lead to this situation mainly on the device, such as SIM card, network, firmware version, and other issues. Therefore, for such issues, we will try to explore the issue on the device side.
Q: Has IoTHub a web portal like a tracksolid. If it has, how to access it?
A: No. IoThub is a middleware that connects devices and customer SaaS, mainly used to analyze and parse device uploaded data according to specific protocols, and push data to customer SaaS. For any special needs, you can create it on the SaaS side.
Q: Do you have any idea why streaming show green flashing light as video?
A: It should be the player compatibility issue... please try another player
Q: How can we set up device to push video to vsftd(FTP server)?
A: File upload command by FTP(proNo. 37382)
Q: Do we have anyconfig to device auto upload ftp?
A: You need to input your IP, port, user account and password.
Q: For history video, why we can't play with normal speed?
A: Check the timestamp in video.
Q: Why is the device IMEI still compressed when I have set the device to IoTHub gateway port 21122?
A: Change the "newImeiRule" to be true in docker-compose.yml file, that is "newImeiRule=true"
Q: We have tested the JC450 with live streaming. We are testing using NGINX with the RTMP module and it fails to complete the handshake as per the logs below. The JC450 starts trying to stream so we know it receive the command to live stream. The JC400 works fine but somehow the JC450 fails. Can you advise any path forward?
A: JC450 is rtp/rtsp, Not rtmp.
Q: Is it possible to add address of the location instead of/in addition to the latitude and longitude on the image?
A: I'm afraid not, what the device can do is to get the longitude/latitude value, but if want to convert to address, that will need map service, like Google map, we usually do in platform, not in hardward device.
Q: I get data from iothub api http://{url}/api/tracker/trackByTime, but all speed is -1 (JC450 device).
A: For JC450 (JT/T protocol) device, please try /api/v2/tracker/trackByTime. JC450 device request from V2.
Q: Why does device often return timeout when query video list? Is there anything we can do to make it response to /pushresourcelist faster?
A: Please format SD to be FAT32, normally... it is EXFAT. If too many files, it take time to search the list and upload, but iothub timeout in 30s.
Q: What does "0x01: Fatigue driving alarm" mean? is it triggered by yawning or missing face? (comparing to JC 400)
A: It is triggered by yawning.
Q: What is an "0x10: Automatic capture event" for JC450 devices?
A: JC450 not support yet
Q: What is a "0x11: Driver change event" for JC450 devices? Is it when a driver gets out of the vehicle and another driver gets in without turning off the vehicle?
A: Similiar. But JC450 not support yet
Q: There is a "fatigue driving" alert as a standard alert (alertType:256, standardAlarmValue: 2 bit). How does it related to the DMS fatigue driving?
A: Fatigue driving (alertType:256, standardAlarmValue: 2 bit) is count by driving time, not the AI
Q: Check for the vsftp service port 21 must be open to external network. What protocol must this be, tcp? Does port 21 need incoming traffic?
A: Yes, port 21 uses the TCP (Transmission Control Protocol) protocol. Both incoming and outgoing traffic are required for port 21 to function properly.
Q: IoTHub yml file update
- Shut down iothub service with command: docker-compose down
- Replace the previous docker-compose.yml file with the latest one
- Restart iothub service with command: docker compose up - d
- Check iothub running status: docker ps
Q: IoTHub license update
- Shut down iothub service with command: docker-compose down
- Replace the previous jimi_license.lic file with the latest one
- Restart iothub service with command: docker compose up - d
- Check iothub running status: docker ps
Q:Solution to license errors when deploying IoTHub service
- Shut down the IoTHub service: docker-compose down
- Remove the jimi-license.lic folder in /iothub/license on your server
- Copy the license file (jimi-license.lic) to the folder /iothub/license
- Restart the IoTHub service: docker-compose up -d
Q: We want gps data and obd data in one devices. Is VG502 can meet that requirement?
A: Yes, you can get GPS data & obd data with device VG502 by requesting /pushgps & /pushobd API.
Q: Why the ACC always 0 in the data we received?
A: If car is moving, tracker detect the motion, then the GPS, ACC will ON automatically.
Q: In the Hearbeat message that the IOT hub pushes, the one property that gets pushed through is the powerLevel
. Can you confirm what this powerLevel means?
A: The field powerLevel
represents the current battery level of the device. But different device type will have different value type.
**Q: Is the GnssTypeFlags bit field in the Trip report message, Big or Little endian
A: Big endian.
Q: Encountered error: 'pool overlaps with other one on this address space' when starting iothub service with command 'docker-compose up -d'.
A: please follow steps below:
a. docker network ls
b. docker network inspect network id
c. docker stop [CONTAINER_ID] d. docker network rm network id
e. run command: docker-compose up -d
Q: Could you please clarify the distinctions between "ServerFlagID" and "requestID" as well as their respective purposes? Furthermore, is it advisable to increment these values for every new request sent to the iothub?
A: "requestID" is used for log tracing and troubleshooting; "serverFlagID" is the correspondence between the request and response of an instruction. It is recommended to increment the "serverFlagID" and provide a unique value for "requestID".
Q: Currently, the history stream format is flv which is not supported in iOS and Android now. Can you add the conversion of flv format to other formats (such as HLS and MP4) in IoT Hub and offer it in API?
A: Since IoTHub v6.12, HLS streaming has been supported. Please check if you need to update to a new version.
Q:For RTMP, may I use Ngix server?
A: For Nginx-RTMP service setup, please refer to this address:
Q: What is IoTHub MongoDB used for?
A: Iothub's MongoDB is mainly used to backup heartbeat, GPS, alarm, temperature, and oil data.
Q: Why we get alert type 259, 1040 and 1041 for JC450 device? What the alert type mean?
A: When the JC450 device is in sleep mode, it cannot respond to the first command you send. Therefore, you need to wait for the device to wake up and send the command again. This is different from the JC400 device. That's why we got 1040 and 1041 alarms. 1040 indicates that the device is in sleep mode, and when the customer sends a command to the device in this state, the device will be awakened. Your platform can inform the customer that the device is waking up, please wait for 1 minute before sending the command again. 1041 indicates that the device is in working mode, in which you can send commands normally. 259 indicates that there is a problem with the TF card and it cannot be used.
Q: What's difference between gpsTime and gateTime?
A: 'gpsTime' is the time at which the device generates data, while 'gateTime' is the time when the device uploads data to the iothub gateway.
Q: Is iothub container log necessary? Is it okay to remove container log?
A: MongoDB is used to backup GPS, HB, and alarm data; The logs of other services on iothub are backed up in the/iothub folder and can be deleted. It is not recommended to delete logs in containers due to some initialization and persistence information related to middleware are stored there, but the data in the/iothub folder and MongoDB can be deleted with caution.
Q: What's the iothub MongoDB Roll deletion mechanism?
A: After configuring the 'mongoTtlday' value in yml file, MongoDB will roll delete records accoring to the expired date value.
Q: How to issue commands to devices through iothub?
A: Request API proNo:128. This API applies to all JIMI devices, while other APIs(in section ‘Send Device Instructions’) only applies to series of JT/T protocol devices such as JC450/JC181/JC371).
Q: How to request real-time videos of JC450/JC181/JC371?
A: Request API proNo: 37121 Real-time audio and video transmission request. The device pushes the stream to the media server. Then you can pull it through streaming address: http://{iothub server IP}:8881/{Channel ID}/{Device IMEI}.flv
Q: How to request real-time videos of JC400/JC261?
A: Request API proNo:128 and issue RTMP instruction (please check device command list for details). Then pull the stream from http://{server IP}: 8881/live/{Channel ID}/{Device IMEI}. flv
Q: How to turn off real-time video of JC450/JC181/JC371?
A: Request API proNo:37122. Or, turn off the player for 20 seconds. IoThub Media service will automatically disconnect the link and stop pushing stream when it detects that there is no one pulling the stream.
Q: How to turn off real-time video of JC400/JC261?
A: Request API(proNo:128) and issue RTMP instruction (please check device command list for details). Or, turn off the player for 20 seconds. IoThub Media service will automatically disconnect the link and stop pushing stream when it detects that there is no one pulling the stream.
Q: Video playback of JC450/JC181/JC371?
A: Firstly, request API proNo:37381 to obtain a list of historical video list, which will be pushed to the API /pushresourcelist. Then request API (proNo: 37377) to push the stream to IoTHub Media server. Lastly, pull the stream from http://{server IP}: 8881/{Channel ID}/{Device IMEI}.history.flv
Q: Video playback of JC400/JC261?
A: Firstly, build the ngnix server according to the protocol (please consult JIMI for the protocol). Then, request API proNo:128, configure the file list server address, issue the FILELIST command to request the upload of historical video information (please check device command list for details). Issue the REPLAYLIST command to request device streaming based on the video file names in the historical video list (please check device command list for details). Lastly, pull the stream from http://{server IP}: 8881/live/{Device IMEI}. flv
Q: Turn off video playback of JC450/JC181/JC371?
A: Request API Pro:37382 to push the stream to IoTHub Media server. Or, turn off the player for 20 seconds. IoThub Media service will automatically disconnect the link and stop pushing stream when it detects that there is no one pulling the stream.
Q: Turn off video playback of JC400/JC261?
A: Request API proNo:128 and issue the REPLAYLIST command (please check device command list for details). Or, turn off the player for 20 seconds. IoThub Media service will automatically disconnect the link and stop pushing stream when it detects that there is no one pulling the stream.
Q: Video upload/download of JC450/JC181/JC371?
A: Firstly, Build your own FTP server. Then, request API proNo:37381 to obtain a list of historical videos, which will be pushed to the API /pushresourcelist. Then, request API Pro:37382 to upload the video to the FTP server at the start and end time interval. The upload result notification will be pushed to API /pushftpfileupload.
Q: Video upload/download of JC400/JC261?
A: Request API proNo:128 and issue the HVIDEO instruction (please check device command list for details). After the file upload is completed, the device reports an alarm packet sub protocol 0x69 to notify the platform.
Q: Remote photography/video recording of JC450/JC181/JC371?
A: Request API proNo:34817.The results of the completed upload will be pushed to the API /pushIothubEvent.
Q: Remote photography/video recording of JC400/JC261?
A: Request API proNo:128 and issue the Pictue/Video command (please check device command list for details). After the file upload is completed, the device reports an alarm packet sub protocol 0x69 to notify the platform.
Q: Intercom of JC450
A: Firstly, develop a service that collects audio data and pushes it to the server via rtmp/rtp protocols. Then request API proNo:128 and issue the command: {"startTalkURL": "{URL}"} to notify the device to pull the stream to your specified address. Lastly, request API proNo:128 and issue the command: {"stopTalkURL": "{URL}"} to notify the device to stop streaming.
Q: Text to speech of JC450
A: Request API proNo:33536, only supports Chinese and English.
Q: Stopping continuous alarms of JC450/JC181/JC371
A: Some JT/T808 device alarms need to be manually acknowledged to stop reporting, such as SOS alarms, you can request API proNo:33283 to stop them.
Q: Sleep and Wake Up of JC450
A: The main chip is not working during the whole hibernation period. If you need to query the configuration, view the real-time video or other operations, you can wake up by vibration/SOS button/platform, and then perform the actual operation after the device wakes up.
Q: Frequently get timeout when requesting API 37381A: Please check the beginTime and endTime, do not cross the day in terms of time. For example, beginTime": "240618000000","endTime": "240618235959.
Q: Sleep and Wake Up of JC181
A: During hibernation, the device is controlled by the communication module, which only supports part of the ordinary command interaction, and cannot perform video operation and configuration.
Q: Meaning of hibernation, work, wakeup and its application?
Hibernation: Before the device goes into hibernation, it will report 0x0410 alarm to notify the platform.
Work: When the device wakes up, it will report 0x0411 alarm to notify the platform.
Wake up: Continuously vibrate the device, or the platform sends WAKEUP_QUERY command (this command will not be replied), about 30 seconds, the device will connect to the server.
- The platform should record the last equipment status report
- After the wake-up operation, before receiving the 0x0411 alarm, the platform web page can display WAKING UP for the user to wait.
- After receiving the 0x0411 alarm, the platform then sends the actual request from the user and exits the WAKING UP pop-up window.
Q: Device ID Calculation?
- The device will report the device IMEI as a 12-digit HEX, which can be used directly by some platforms, e.g. WIALON
- The 12-digit HEX is calculated from the first 14 digits of the IMEI and can be converted for direct use, e.g. FLESPI
- If the platform needs to display the complete 15-digit IMEI number, you can search ‘Calculating the check digit of IMEI’ on Google, and then realise it through code. `
Q: JC450/JC181 Upload Event Video
- Prerequisite: URLTYPE,2
- Trigger any event, the device will report an alarm, the alarm contains alarmlabel
- The platform can provide front-end configuration page for users to choose, the background to automatically send the corresponding alarm VIDEOUPLOAD request
- Upon receipt of the request, the device will retrieve the image/video file associated with the alarmlabel from the database and upload it to the domain/IP and port in the request.
- If it exists, will respond ‘start upload task’;
- If it does not exist, will respond ‘Video not exist’!
- If the file upload is successful, the device will report UPLOADFILECOMPLETE: ‘filename’ at 0x0900.
- If the file upload fails, the device will report UPLOADFILEFAIL: ‘file name’ via 0x0900.
- If the uploaded file does not exist, the device will report UPLOADFILEFAIL: no image or no video at 0x0900.
Note: Fixed path is /upload, such as IP, port 1115, the device upload address is (protocol integration please contact JIMI for protocol documentation).
Q: Which API should request to get JC400/JC261/VL802 external voltage?
A: VL802 device does not push internal voltage, external voltage is obtained through the content value of API '/pushPassThroughData'. JC400/JC261 obtains external voltage through voltage of API '/pushalarm'.